Even though The Saturday Evening Post was never based in New York, it featured Gotham on more covers than any other city.
Central Park Rainbow
John Falter
April 30, 1949
New York
When John Falter’s cover painting was accepted, there was lightning trickling down the sky beside the rainbow. Presently the Art Department began to worry—do lightning and rainbows ever show up at the same time? The ever helpful Weather Bureau was asked to look at the Post’s storm—which has just doused midtown New York and is rumbling away beyond Central Park’s man-made ramparts. “Fair and cooler,” was the comment. “But we never saw a streak of lightning in such bright daylight. Of course, where weather is concerned, anything can happen.” So the picture was delightninged, leaving only that sign of clearing weather, a patch of blue sky large enough to make a sailor a pair of breeches.
Ice Skating in Central Park
Frank Mullins
January 5, 1963
Fifth Avenue
John Falter
March 19, 1960
Skaters in Central Park
John Falter
February 7, 1948
Yankee Stadium
John Falter
April 19, 1947
Boating in Central Park
John Falter
July 11, 1953
Bird’s-Eye View of New York City
John Falter
August 17, 1946
Gramercy Park
John Falter
February 11, 1950
Pershing Square
John Falter
May 19, 1945
Romance Under Shakespeare’s Statue
Mead Schaeffer
April 28, 1945
Gramercy Park
John Falter
March 25, 1944
Wall Street and Prosperity
James Preston
October 10, 1903