The History of The Saturday Evening Post, Part 5: World War II

In the decade leading up to World War II, the nation changed, and the Post changed with it, publishing notable fiction, reporting on growing threats in Europe, and featuring more photography.

World War II screen capture

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Featured image: Photograph by Larry Keighley (©SEPS)

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  1. I’m trying to get some info on your WWII writer named
    North Clarey.
    By the way, my uncles Will and Tom McMorrow often wrote short stories for you folks back then. I myself have done 11 historical books with My wife Ingrid Smyer adding stored on key women from each era or event or bio covered . Subject matter ranged from both World Wars, the Civil War, American Revolution, Virginia history, Marines history, a Churchill bio and a Coast Guard history still looking for a publisher
    Would you go for a Coast Guard story perhaps? Very dramatic stories to chose from !

  2. I didn’t realize the Post took a 60% advertising loss in the early Thirties. It kept its popularity up though, with the new generation of authors keeping it positioned for a rise in circulation again. Also adapting to the changes radio and LIFE magazine brought to the scene, keeping itself a worthy challenger during World War II and beyond.


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